About the CDBG Program
The CDBG program allocates annual grants to develop decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in our communities, to create jobs through the expansion and retention of businesses, and to expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. This program is an important tool for helping local governments tackle challenges facing their communities.
Lake County receives an annual allocation from HUD to administer the CDBG funds. The Lake County Planning and Community Development Office accepts applications for CDBG funding every Spring from interested communities for housing programs, economic development projects, public improvements, and public services.
Housing Programs
The Lake County Housing Rehabilitation Program is funded through CDBG, and administered by the Western Reserve Community Development Corporation (WRCDC.) This program, which is designed to improve the housing conditions for income eligible families and extend the economic life of existing housing stock, is divided into three types of assistance: Emergency Repairs, Mobility and Accessibility Repairs and Modifications, and Full Single-Family Homes Rehabilitation.
Contact WRCDC for more information: Phone (440) 357-4400, Website
Subordination Policy
Economic Development Loans
Creating economic opportunities and jobs are among the key activities funded by CDBG. Funds can be used to assist private, for profit businesses with grants, loans, and technical assistance. Commercial rehabilitation is an eligible activity, bringing commercial structures up to code or improving their facades. Public works that support economic development endeavors are also CDBG eligible activities. Job training can be funded as part of a special economic development project, as a public service, or as part of a microenterprise assistance package to the owner of a micro business for his or her employees.
Public Improvements
Communities can benefit from CDBG funds for construction of public facilities and improvements, such as water and sewer facilities, streets, neighborhood centers, and activities relating to energy conservation. Funds can be used for accessibility improvements, such as ADA sidewalks and entryways.
Public Services
CDBG funds can be used for a wide range of public service activities, including job training, crime prevention, child care, health services, fair housing counseling, education programs, energy conservation, services for the homeless, and much more. Eligible public service activities will fulfill the national objective of benefiting low- to-moderate income persons.
Five-Year Accomplishments
The Tribune ran an article, “Lake County Community Development Block Grant Program accomplishments over past five years” on April 19, 2013 listing points of accomplishments the County CDBG/HOME Programs had achieved in the last five years. Attached is a copy of the article for your perusal. (click here)